Unleash Homeschool Potential: Embrace Flexibility & Growth with Aimee Otto

Aimee Otto is married to her high school sweetheart, Nick. They homeschool their two children, ages 9 and 11.

Originally, Aimee grew up in rural Michigan, but she now makes her home in New England where she has built a life around slowing living and savoring time together.

However, when Aimee’s not homeschooling, she loves reading, walking, and being in nature.

She leads the Homeschool Compass community where she encourages families to step off the mainstream path and embrace the freedom and flexibility in their homeschools.

Join us as Aimee Otto and I discuss homeschool expectations.

aimee otto and holding our homeschool expectations loosely

We love our plans. But we have to hold them loosely because if we cling too tightly to what we think we want, we might miss out on the beauty of the day.

Aimee Otto, podcaster at Homeschool Compass

Aimee Otto & I discuss:

  • Allow your kids to take from studies/readings as they want. And let them run with it.
  • Don’t let fear of the future affect your present moment. (Like anticipating calculus when your child is in kindergarten.)
  • Ask yourself how your original homeschool vision aligns with your present activities.
  • Acknowledge that who we are as parents influences how we approach our children’s home education.
  • Use self-awareness strategies, like journaling, to help you externalize what is in your head.

Finally, Aimee encourages homeschool parents:

  • Make self-awareness your personal growth goal.
  • If you love your kids & give them autonomy, help direct them to where they want to get to and work backward. You can provide a rich education for them, that aligns with their passions and gives them the tools they need for their futures.
  • Do a time audit to determine how many things/activities you can include in your day.
  • You have the freedom to discern what you can decide for your homeschool family, you can include your passions in your life.
  • Let go of comparisons and tune into your own kids: you’ll be a better homeschool parent, you’ll be a healthier homeschool mom, and have a more satisfying homeschool experience.
  • By the way, you get a seat at the table too: your kids need what you have to bring to the world.

You can find Aimee at:

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

Call to Adventure by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3470-call-to-adventure
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